avengers fanfiction peter never have i ever

We're never gonna get started, are we? He lets himself fall back against the fluffy pillows and feels Natasha poke a finger into his side. It was not a mutual flirtation, and all Ill say is that it was a government official., Well color me surprised, said Tony. But there are two spys with them so they were caught. Can you get to bed by yourself? Natasha asks. "You're the worse Clint" Peter said. The elevator dinged. Peter didn't know how to respond, the sudden worry etched in MJ's voice throwing him off. Bruce looks contemplative. And a happy drunk, as well, she says with a sigh. And, I might add, the suit had a filtration system.. "Never ever have I worn a chicken on my head," Aunt Nat says and I take a drink and yet again I'm the only one. Looks like I was right, he says out loud, and Tony sighs. Dad questions and the juniorteam laugh. Tony makes a disgruntled noise against Clint's ribcage. I'd like there to be not running, please. Anyone we know? Work Search: PETER? "Way way way wait. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. "Peter!" Yeahlets just move on from Peters apparent sluttiness Tony motioned to Natasha. So, what's this, then? Clint asks and smiles. Peter said. And no.. I remember!. yes let's do THAT" respectively. So when I was first turned immortal, this guy name Francis locked me in this thing so I set it on fire. Just like she knew they were still dating. On really slow nights, when they're bored. "I may or may not have a boyfriend." We've been playing this for an hour and this is my first sex question. Tony points an accusing finger at his colleague. With Bucky, I was it was good. He breaks the stare he's got going with Bruce and opts for staring at the floor with a lost look. Missions? Steve asks, smiling, and Clint and Nat both nod. But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. Wade had taught him beforehand how to shoot and it was just so easy for him, like second nature "No big deal.". "Who is he? "Never have I ever worn a planting pot on my head," Mom says and I take a drink and see no else do so. Alright. The doctor folds his hands in his lap. Yes? Please consider turning it on! Captain America: The Winter Soldier: completed Like you and Steve aren't the exact same. Yup, Clint says and squeezes Steve harder. Because I do. No! Tony snorts. Demisexuals only feel sexual attraction to people they have a strong emotional connection to. Make me? Tony tries, and sounds hopeful. Guilty? When Natasha helps him upright, he can see her swaying, and grins. Steve looks a little scandalized again, and even Nat's arched an eyebrow, but Tony waves them off. (Clint thinks Thor might actually be drunk at this point, too.) "Right here," I say and lift my shirt up and show him, Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, and my name tattooed on my ribs in their handwriting. 'solutely., Her mouth curls. Peter, Tony, Bucky, and Natasha all drank. What could possibly go wrong, right?. She was the one to offer the cursed game. Then Peter took a shot. #captainamerica We've got all the fun questions left! He swirls his mostly-empty bottle and makes a thinky-face. There are ships? Thor says and looks around, dropping his mug. He shifts his hips slightly, presses back against the hard-on there, and waits for a reaction. Of course Spider-Man is a klutz, Sam rolled his eyes good-naturedly. Also, for that matter, are we actually dating? The words make his stomach churn with nervousness, but he ignores it. Who made you talk? Clint asks, because Tony is drunk all the time and he's never awkwardly confessed his feelings or anything before, which Clint will get right on having conflicted thoughts about that in a second, he just needs to finish up here first. But this year they decided on vodka never have I ever. Don't wait up. He leaves, and Clint looks after him, telling himself firmly that he does not feel rejected. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, "Never have I ever," Tony says with a wolfish grin, "battled motherfucking aliens.". The spider kid was sat crossed-legged on the floor in front of the armchair Tony was sitting on. Tiredness and sleep is closing in on him, fast, so Clint spreads out fully in the big bed and lets himself get dragged under. But the two of them don't bother replying, too busy ripping each other apart. Unless you want to tap that, obviously, in which hey, I applaud that. Why dont we start with the youngest and move clockwise in a circle? Summary: From Phoukabros pen: in the postscript of defeating Thanos, the heroes of Earth spend a little time getting to know each other. No, we decided no strings, and then there were strings, strings everywhere except they were invisible strings, you know? Now you'll just guilt me into staying., Clint leans back to grimace at him. Rhodeys clothes were so much comfier than mine! And no, no, Clint really doesn't want to, so he whines until he gets a finger in the ribs, and then he groans and rolls over so he can see the ceiling swirl slowly in an counter-clockwise direction. Like you really thought it wasn't going to happen at some point. Guess we gotta call it off, then, Clint bullshits, and notes how he's started to wake up in certain parts of his body as well. Ayelet was a child of Thanos, one of his favorites. She hasn't bothered with a glass. What if shes an Avenger? "Are we just going to skip over the fact Steve and Bucky have kissed a dude?" Tony laughs, tells him to shut up, and kisses him. You said that last night too.. Clint Barton/ Hawkeye While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It Multi-fandom oneshots. I WAS BORED SO DON'T KILL ME FOR THE RANDOMNESS PLEASE "So," asked Natasha. Clint laughs until his sides hurt. I just haven't felt that way about anyone else. You're no fun, Cap. A hand settles on Clint's hip, but doesn't move further. Vague snorts from the rest of the team. Something passes over his face, and Clint figures that Tony's doing the same epiphany-thing as he just did. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Yeah, sure. Prompt made by: Me It was a Friday night and the Avengers had come back from their latest mission tired, and bored. Evelyn Warner was a nurse during World War 2 working side-by-side with Captain America and Peggy Carter. And Peter, whose clothes did you steal? Bucky asked. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, and Bruce took a shot. All I have now is the next two weeks of community service and all that. There's nothing bad or wrong about it, Steve, Bruce says, ever the reasonable parent of them (when he's not giant and green, that is). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You go ahead, Tony, Steve says, and somehow manages not to sound condescending. Natasha had her own seat, Clint sitting on the back while cleaning a few of his arrows from his quiver, and was sat sideways across it with her legs hanging over the armrest. It's a weird, stiff laugh. All donations are used to provide the service; no profits are made by the site owners, And of course you didn't have any ulterior motives at all, Bruce says, smiling. I've been good! He's got his own floor, but it's just too fucking far right now, and he's feeling lazy. He thought that after the rollercoaster of a year that they were chill now. Tony blinks, surprised, and his hands still in Clint's cropped hair. Yep, you got that right, Tony says and looks down at him. Youre going commando when you help little old ladies cross the street? Sam asked. My turn. So he stumbles through the long hallway leaving to their other sleeping quarters that Tony got them probably for this exact reason, Clint muses as he bumps into walls and doors. So I was at the police station eating a bagel when the building just started falling apart. Bucky had no idea that he was a werewolf until he escaped hydra with the help of Sam and the avengers, he thought he was alone with being what he was since no one on the team knew what he was until he turned one night and ran to the woods, accept what will happen when someone new to the team is like Includes: #wakanda Tony's eyes widened, how the fuck did that crazy lunatic get someone so sweet like Peter "Jesus Christ, Pete. Finally he reaches the third door on the left and stumbles inside, groaning with general happiness and relief at the ready-made bed waiting for him. Clint's half tempted to preposition Thor in some fucked up kind of revenge, but he realizes that if he does that, 1) his life will be a Lifetime movie, 2) he'll probably lose another friend, and 3) this time, Nat will definitely kick his ass. He makes sure that his lips are wrapped around the spout, and he knows Tony's watching. and other people I can't remember right now. "Is that true, referee M Jee?" Clint remembers reading Tony's file, and how much of it had culminated in Howard Stark and Tony's father issues. "I think that's a good idea," I say before leaning over onto dad and passing out. Lindsay's bitching at her sister already and they're only in the preliminary round; she's going down. Ben and Devi, the morning after their first boink. Here's nice. Betty ringed the bell. I mean, ask anyone. Where did you get this tattoo!?" A small, annoying part of him wonders if Tony's actually been personally acquainted with Captain America's dick and adds that if Clint wants to find out, this would be the perfect opportunity. Peter smirked. Just leaning against Clint, still swaying. Steve and Bucky were able to fully participate thanks to Thors gift of several casks of Asgardian mead- though he was in New Asgard at present. "Everyone has a hand, so five fingers, and after those, you have to take a shot for every time you have ever done the mentioned thing. MJ, however, ringed the bell too, reminding everyone that she was a referee, and nodded at Peter. It's all right, Tony says and pats his forearm. He lets it go. "Bullsh*t!" It's after one of Clint's undercover missions, three days of playing nice and hiding in plain sight before he could get where he needed and take out the people he should. Said Sam. It's entertaining, if not hell on the ear drums. Clint just huffs, a sign of his exhaustion right there, and wrings off his clothes. The game was being set up, and Peter could hear all the whispered ideas from his teammates. Awwww, so cute, Tony coos. Stopping now., Clint doesn't know if Tony means that he'll stop talking or stop running, but the guy trails off, so Clint gets a part-answer. I like dames well enough, it's not that. Clint hears someone enter the room, and is awake before said person has the time to get over to the bed. Tony Stark personally needed a drink. Never have I ever had sex with anyone else on this team.. Paxton dealing with the break-up in season 3. Better?. Sorta, Clint says. Okay, Tony says with a wolfish grin. Weakling, she mutters in Russian and Clint grimaces. "I am fine, thanks. Anyways, guys, MJ. What if she got kidnapped, a few months before Harry was born and the Potters got attacked on the faithful Halloween night? #nickfury Damn, I was so sure, Tony says and taps his finger against his chin. Course it is. Earlier in the day they fought against enchanted trees and not just one but two mad scientists, which explained why they were so exhausted and in need of a good game to play. And how you've managed to get him onto your side in nearly every single dispute since., Tony tries to look hurt, although he's doing a shit job at it, one hand dramatically resting against his chest in a who, me? #blackwidow He leaned against the chair, not bothered by the fact Tony was running a hand through his hair, messing it up. Guardians: What if Harry Potter had a big sister? It's not about what I think, Tony, Clint says. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, though, which is why Clint doesn't like playing it. So why can't he get Eleanor's words from the winter dance out of his head? Peter almost screamed, but in his dazed state (caused by the worried MJ) he didn't do anything, just let his friend roll up his oversized sleeve to reveal muscles and A giant cut, from his elbow towards his shoulder. #brucebanner Wouldn't you like to know? Clint says easily and takes another swig of Tony's Jim Beam. Clint arches an eyebrow, but drinks; just like Natasha does, obviously. He didn't want this attention, as if he was somehow interesting, just because he had a scar. I'm in a tzatziki mood. All of this comes out on one, long breath, and halfway through, Tony pulls out one of his tablets and starts plotting in a search for nearby Greek restaurants. Now it's my turn.". "When did it happen?". He spends a moment taking stock of the situation; realizes that said dick probably belongs to Tony (and so does the chest that's pressed against his back), remembers that he'd fallen asleep in Tony's bed and the billionaire had let him, and that at some point there had been allusions to sober sex. Just saying., Tony's breath ghosts hotly over Clint's cheek. Devi's life is turned upside down after a night at a party. It's the new year's party and everyone seemed to be here. Bruce grabs one of the packets of Cheetos and looks around with that same calm, quietly interested-but-also-exasperated air he usually wears around Tony and his antics. Yesh. I never needed to know this much about my proteges sex life. But then, the Peter Parker part of him, the ever so honest part, didn't really want to lie. "Everyone grab a drink and sit down, it's time for never have I ever!" Thor seems to think it's all hysterical. Its called being undercover. Only Peter managed to hear Bruce's quiet and defeated "God dammit" and didn't bother explaining why he was sniggering. Always the goddamn red velvet, Clint sighs to himself. He'd been grazed when getting out too, but it's nothing big; just nicked in the shoulder by a stray bullet. Ned Tony, Natasha snaps. It sounds like a genuine question. It was at this moment, team red knew, they fucked up. He's also not going to reflect on where Tony has learned about shipping. "Eh, you were in Florida," I say brushing it off. Requests are open! And that's how I started my journey to become to almighty me!" Peed in a suit., Oh, come on, Tony whines. I should never have agreed to play never have I even, especially with my 'family'. based on the song cardigan by taylor swift.devi tells her daughter the story of the night she met the love of her life. Aha! Tony says, excited and gleeful. You're a whiner, Tony mutters and shifts; squirms to get comfortable. But Devi Vishwakumar was something else entirely. "The fuck!?" I can go without the Other Guy making an entrance., The things I do for science, Tony says and blows Bruce a kiss. Muh?, I'm not gonna send you back into that elevator, Clint says and turns around, slides an arm around Tony's waist and guides him into his apartment. Everyone grabs a drink and the junior team in scolded because we are trying to get the alcoholicdrinks, not like it could affect me anyways. No, Clint says, because they didn't. #spiderman Natasha doesn't say anything when Clint tumbles out of Tony's room and into the kitchen late-morning, but she does hand him a coffee mug and fix him with a stare that says I judge you very hard right now. #infinity Clint closes his eyes and lets his head fall back against the wall. Seriously? "This was very educational with Peter putting a chicken and flower pot on his head and getting a tattoo but it's three in the morning and we are all almost asleep," Uncle Steve says and I see he is right. Yeah, well that is what I am thinking right now. "REALLY" Clint yelled. She was very preserved, even when she hung out with Ned and him. Danny, Luke, Ava, Nova, Aunt Nat, Mom, Dad, Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Sam, Uncle Rohdey, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Loki, Wanda, Vision, Scott, T'challa, Shuri, and Aunt May. We all sit down in the living room and wait for Danny to take charge even if I was the leader of the junior team and Uncle Steve was the leader of the seniorteam. Hmmm, Tony says and pins Bruce with his science-stare. We gotta have that rule. Please consider turning it on! Tony rolls his eyes. Okay, a member of the same sex, then. Please consider turning it on! ! Sam cried when Steve took a drink, followed by Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. Title from Eres t by Carla Morrison of course. Now, he finds himself inside Peter Parker's body, his heart thumping against . "Peter you go first" Wade said. Say Yes to the Dress is on in the background and he follows it with one eye. I believe it would be best if we stopped the game now as it seems to be somewhat awkward. It's my bed. Clint actually has respect for that manipulation strategy although that doesn't mean he approves of it being used on him. Clint flips him the bird without looking at him. Bruce Banner/ Hulk She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. Bucky, Nat, and Wanda took shots. Are you trying to get the full Avenger set?. i should continue that, and because i have writer's block and felt a moment of motivation, Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar, my benvi bias made itself known in the writing of this, but my love for every dynamic in the love triangle also made itself known, (if you consider canon proceeded as usual from 3.04 when reading this), never have i everplayed never have i ever. Stupid strings, he mutters, apparently to himself, before he looks up at Clint with swimming eyes. A sex ally! He squirms happily where he sits and knocks his elbow against Clint's in what's probably supposed to be a companionable gesture. set in senior year, following canon season 3 (and assuming that ben and devi get together after it.). Good. Devi woke up abruptly, after a sharp pain shot up her back, as her baby girl kicked her twice hard in the back. Also any that come to my fruity brain in between my slow story updates. I did? Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 100, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Peter, how did you even manage that?" I will not do that, and will be a referee.". I really don't wanna assault you in your sleep. Alright, Tony said, because of course he would take charge of anything alcohol related, everyone have a drink? There's one problem. Six minutes. He hadn't expected Peter to take another drink, however, in fact no one had. Maybe it was because she somehow sensed he was the only one not even slightly drunk. There certainly wasn't a lot of it in the circus; only a couple of times with Barney and the older kids, mostly just as a ploy for Clint's brother to get laid. Clint's nightmares come back, although they never really left, it was just a lot easier to forget about them with a warm body close by. Team red slowly took a sip of juice trying not to be notice. Clint isn't exactly the once-a-year kind of guy himself, but he's pretty sure that Tony's number counts double of his own. Never have I ever, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Disclaimer: the MCU and its characters are not mine. Pietro and I needed food before we joined Hydra. And out of those two, only one can be remedied, I'm afraid. Tony sighs dramatically before he straddles Clint and brushes their lips together. Like any of them would.

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avengers fanfiction peter never have i ever

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